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Peer Review Papers


Remahi, S., Mabika, M., Côté, S., Iorio-Morin, C., Near, J., Hui, S. C., ... & Lepage, J. F. (2024). Neurotransmitter levels in the basal ganglia are associated with intracortical circuit activity of the primary motor cortex in healthy humans. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 129, 110892.


Cote, S., Perron, T-L., Baillargeon, J.P., Bocti, C., Lepage, J.F., Whittingstall, K., Association of Cumulative Lifetime Exposure to Female Hormones With Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Postmenopausal Women in the UK Biobank, Neurology, Sep 2023,  doi: *Awarded Jean-de Margerie Biomedical Sciences Article of the Year 


Mabika, M., Agbogba, K., Côté, S. et al. Neurophysiological assessment of cortical activity in DEPDC5- and NPRL3-related epileptic mTORopathies. Orphanet J Rare Dis 18, 11 (2023).


Lacroix, A., Proteau-Lemieux, M., Côté, S., Near, J., Hui, S. C., Edden, R. A., ... & Lepage, J. F. (2022). Multimodal assessment of the GABA system in patients with fragile-X syndrome and neurofibromatosis of type 1. Neurobiology of Disease, 105881.


Cote S, Butler R, Michaud V, Lavallee E, Croteau E, Mendrek A, Lepage JF, Whittingstall K. The regional effect of serum hormone levels on cerebral blood flow in healthy nonpregnant women. Hum Brain Mapp. 2021 Sep 4. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25646.


Barbeau-Meunier, CA.,, Bernier, M., Côté, S., Gilbert, G., Bocti, C., Whittingstall, K.,. Sexual dimorphism in the cerebrovascular network: Brain MRI shows lower arterial density in women. J Neuroimaging. 2021; 00: 1– 8.


Cote, S.,  (March 2024). Menopause Hormone Therapy: Insights on Options, Benefits and Risk Mitigation. Unexplored Cancers: On how the Mars of oncology are gynecological cancers. (Reproductive Health Reprot V.III) AthenaDAO. Read Article


Cote, S.,  (March 2024). Society has Left Gynecological Cancers Behind: Now What? Unexplored Cancers: On how the Mars of oncology are gynecological cancers. (Reproductive Health Reprot V.III) AthenaDAO. Read Article

Oral Presentations

Nguyen, C. N., Huck, J., Cote, S., Tetreault.,  P.,  Whittingstall, K., (2024) Amélioration de la quantification du polygone de Willis: une approche basée sur la reconstruction en 3d de la surface, Québec Bio-Imaging Network Annual Research Day, Montreal, Canada.


Doyon, V.,  Cote, S., Huck, J., Whittingstall, K., (2024) Étude de la perfusion de l’hippocampe par Super selective arterial spin labelling en IRM., Québec Bio-Imaging Network Annual Research Day, Montreal, Canada.


Cote., S., Fathy, K., Lenet, S., Espinosa-Bentancourt, OE., Lavallee, E., Croteau, E, Rottembourg, D., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2023) Testosterone Gender-Affirming Hormonal Therapy is Associated with Decreased Cerebral Blood Flow in Transgender Teens. ENDO 2023., Chicago, United States.  *Awarded Outstanding Abstract Award


Cote., S., Forouhandepour, R., Croteau, E, Rottembourg, D., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2021) Gender Affirming Hormonal Therapy is Associated with Masculinization of Cerebral Blood Flow in Transgender Men.  Congrès Provincial de la Recherche Mère-Enfant 2021. Hybrid Conference, Sherbrooke, Canada


Cote., S., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2020) Characterization of the Perfusion Territories of the 3 Major Cerebral Arteries using Time of Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography and pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling, Centre d’imagerie médicale de Sherbrooke et de l’Axe d’imagerie médicale du CRCHUS, Sherbrooke, Canada, Virtual Conference


Cote., S., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2020) Downloadable Probabilistic Map of the Territorial Distribution of the Left – Middle Cerebral Artery Derived from TOF-MRA, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Virtual Conference * Awarded Magna Cum Laude


Cote., S., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2020) Time-of-Flight-MRA-Derived Probabilistic-Map of Each Major Cerebral Artery, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Virtual Conference * Awarded Abstract Merit Award


Cote., S., Buttler, R., Mendrek, A., Whittingstall, K., Lepage, J-F. (2019) Cerebral blood flow and paired-pulse TMS: A potential relationship. BrainBox Initiative, London, England.


Cote., S., Loudghi, A., Sidhu, J., Mendrek, A., Whittingstall, K., Lepage, J-F. (2018) The effect of menstrual cycle hormone fluctuations on GABAergic mechanisms: preliminary evidence from TMS and MRS. BrainBox Initiative, London, England.


Cote, S., Drumheller, A., Mendrek, A. (May 2016) The Drunken Mind reader: the effect of alcohol on theory of mind. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Psychological Health and Well-Being Conference, Sherbrooke, Canada.

Poster Presentations

Vanderweyen, D., Côté, S., Huck., J., Fathy, K., Remahi S., Rheault, F., Beaudoin, A.-M., Whittingstall, K., (2024) White Matter Hyperintensities Preferentially Accumulate Within the Border Zones Regions of the Brain in Healthy Individuals. Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA *Awarded Trainee Research Prize 


Hasani, S.,** Coté, S., Mohamad, T., Corp, D. T., & Lepage, J.-F. (2024). Paired Pulse TMS Measures of Intracortical Inhibition and Facilitation are Influenced by Participant Factors and Experimental Procedures. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA.


Marchildon, C., Arguin, M., Doyon, M., Coté, S., Michaud, A., Huck, J., Gingras, V., Perron, P., Hivert, M.-F., Bouchard, L., & Whittingstall, K. (2024). Maternal Blood Glucose and Hypothalamus Volume: Novel Insights For Intergenerational Transmission of Endocrine Traits. ENDO 2024, Boston, USA

Nguyen, C. N., Huck, J., Cote, S., Tetreault.,  P.,  Whittingstall, K., (2024), Évaluation quantitative des rétrécissements artériels au polygone de willis : une approche basée sur la surface, FMSS Scientific Day, Sherbrooke Canada


Vanderweyen, D., Côté, S., Huck., J., Fathy, K.,  Remahi S., Rheault, F., Beaudoin, A.-M., Whittingstall, K., (2024), L'Accumulation préférentielle des hyperintensités de la matière blanche dans les régions limitrophes du cerveau chez les individus sains, FMSS Scientific Day, Sherbrooke Canada


Langlois, M., Huck., J., Nguyen, C. N., Vanderweyen, D., Côté, S., Bouchard, L., Whittingstall K., (2024) L’origine des variations anatomiques des artères communicantes du cercle de willis., FMSS Scientific Day, Sherbrooke Canada


Vanderweyen, D., Côté, S., Huck., J., Fathy, K.,  Remahi S., Rheault, F., Beaudoin, A.-M., Whittingstall, K., (2024), Spatial predilection of cerebral small vessel disease within border zone regions of the brain, 10th European Stroke Organisation Conference, Bâle, Suisse,


Remahi S., Langlois M., Côté S., Rheault F., Descoteaux M., Whittingstall K., Lepage J-F (2023). Investigating the relationship between intracortical processes, executive functions, and brain structure in healthy children. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA


Langlois, M., Remahi, S., Mabika, M., Côté, S., Lippé, S., Whittingstall K., Lepage J-F (2023). Multimodal assessment of the GABAergic system in healthy adults: a study combining TMS, MRS and EEG. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA. 


Perron, TL., Cote S, Lepage JF, Bocti, C., Whittingstall, K. (2023) Higher Lifetime Exposure to Hormones is Associated with Lower WMH Burden: A UK Biobank Study in post-menopausal women. American Academy of Neurology, Boston, United States. See Poster


Fathy, K., Dumais, F., Côté, S., Frederick, B., & Whittingstall, K. (2023). The Multi-Class Segmentation of the Human Cerebral Vasculature in TOF-MRA: A Supervised Deep Learning Approach. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, Canada 


Remahi S., Mabika M., Côté S., Ioro-Morin C., Near J., Whittingstall K., Lepage J-F (2022). GABA and Glx levels in the basal ganglia predict intracortical circuits activity of the primary mortor cortex in healthy humans. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, USA.  See Poster


Cote., S., Caceres, M. P., Dumais, F., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2022) MRI measures of regional cerebral blood flow and cortical thickness are tightly linked to the proximity of large vessels, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, London England, Hybrid Conference. 


Cote., S., Caceres, M. P., Dumais, F., Lepage, J-F.  (2022) MRA-based identification of cerebrovascular border zone regions, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Glasgow Scotland, Hybrid Conference. 


Cote., S., Forouhandepour, R., Croteau, E, Rottembourg, D., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2021) Investigation into the Cerebrovascular Effects of Gender Affirming Therapy in Transgender Men using TOF-MRA and pCASL, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Virtual Conference. See Poster 


Cote., S., Forouhandepour, R., Croteau, E, Rottembourg, D., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2021) The Effect of Gender Affirming Hormonal Therapy on Cerebrovascular Structure and Function, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Virtual Conference. See Poster


Cote., S., Lepage, J-F.  Whittingstall, K (2020) Time-of-Flight-MRA-Derived Probabilistic-Map of Each Major Cerebral Artery, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Virtual Conference. See Poster


Cote., S., Buttler, R., Mendrek, A., Whittingstall, K., Lepage, J-F. (2019) Cerebral blood flow and paired-pulse TMS: A potential relationship. BrainBox Initiative, London, England.


Cote., S., Buttler, R., Mendrek, A., Whittingstall, K., Lepage, J-F. (2019) Characterization of menstrual cycle related changes in cerebral blood flow. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy. See Poster


Cote, S., Buttler, R., Mendrek, A, Lepage, J.F., Whittingstall, K., (2019). Progesterone, not estrogen modulates cerebral blood flow across the menstrual cycle. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada.  See E-Poster


Cote, S., Loudghi, A., Sidhu, J., Mendrek, A., Whittingstall, K., Lepage, J.F., (2018) The effect of menstrual cycle hormone fluctuations on GABAergic mechanisms: preliminary evidence from TMS and MRS. BrainBox Initiative Conference, London, England. See Poster


Cote, S., Buttler, R., Mendrek, A, Lepage, J.F., Whittingstall, K., (2018). Sex Differences in Stimulus Induced Blood Flow: The Importance of Sex Hormones. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Paris, France. See Poster


Cote, S., Buttler, R, Richard, M. A., Mendrek, A, Lepage, J.F., Whittingstall, K., (2018) Menstrual cycle hormone fluctuations affect cerebral blood flow but not arterial vessel diameter. Québec Bio-Imaging Network Annual Research Day, Montreal, Canada. See Poster


Cote, S., Buttler, R, Mendrek, A, Lepage, J.F., Whittingstall, K., ( 2017) No Change in blood flow and arterial diameter in ipsilateral V1 during visual hemifield stimulation. Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie et Cognition 25th Scientific Day. Saint-Sauveur, Canada.


Cote, S., Buttler, R, Mendrek, A, Lepage, J.F., Whittingstall, K., (2017) Characterization of the vascular response in ipsilateral V1 during visual hemifield stimulation. Québec Bio-Imaging Network Annual Research Day, Montreal, Canada.


Cote, S., Lepage, J.F., Mendrek, A, Whittingstall, K., (2016) Sex and the Brain: The Effect of Hormones on Cerebral Vasculature. Journée scientifique 2016 du Centre d’imagerie médicale de Sherbrooke et de l’Axe d’imagerie médicale du CRCHUS, Sherbrooke, Canada. * Prix d’excellence argent pour la qualité de la présentation par affiche

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